Techno plast consultancy


In Bashundhara Group, we have completed the largest 2,000 TPD wheat flour mill in Bangladesh with SILO system.

What Do We Do For You?

Our Services

24/7 Support

All the time TPC is ready to have services to the customers on request / call basis in the same trade.

Remote Service

Once we confirm the machinery, from the installation we provide one calendar year service at Free of Cost.

Job based service

TPC will appreciate for job based services as necessary as required by the valued customers in the same trade.

On request / call basis service

All the time TPC is ready to have services to the customers on request/ call basis in the same trade.

Service through yearly contract

TPC offers year on year service through the yearly contract to the customers while warranty period is over.

Free Service

Once we confirm the machinery, from the installation we provide one calendar year service at Free of Cost.
